Dan Sutton
01872 561796 (office) 07977 228571 (mobile)
- Small and large scale single and two storey extensions
- Loft conversions and large scale internal alterations
- Barn conversions
- High spec’ renovations to grade 1 and 2 listed buildings including those in conservation areas and in town centres
- New build homes and agricultural buildings
- Converting, updating and re-fitting commercial premises including shops and warehouses
- Mundic removal, under-pinning and structural works
- High performance retaining walls
- Swimming pools and training pools
- Traditional methods of building including lime pointing and rendering and Scantle slating
- Timber frame construction
- Cellar and basement works including tanking/waterproofing
- Extensive ground works and excavations with our own plant and machinery
- Modifications to improve and allow accessibility for older people and those with disabilities